Snoring in children, if left untreated can affect development

Center : Children Health Center

Article by : Dr. Nilobon Saengsawang

Snoring in children, if left untreated can affect development

Did you know that snoring can happen with any age, not just in adults? But why do children Snore when sleeping? And if this continues, will it affect physical development or not and how? So how can it be treated? If your child has been snoring since childhood, Parents should read these information.

Snoring can occur during childhood. Snoring is a symptom of narrowing of the upper airway. This can be from the nose, throat cavity, the base of the tongue, or part of the larynx. Which occurs while falling asleep. If snoring progress to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it can lead to developmental disorders. Both physically and intellectually Have poor academic performance or social problems. In addition, if it is severe, it can cause high blood pressure and heart disease.

Symptoms indicating that there may be sleep apnea, and should see a doctor:

  • Snoring with open mouth and breathing loudly
  • Restless sleep, fidgeting, insomnia, alternate heavy breathing or having to sit up because of suffocation
  • Stop breathing for 5-10 seconds and wake up or turn around.
  • Frequent nasal congestion, having to open his mouth and breathe often
  • Obesity with a BMI or BMI> 30.
  • Regular bedwetting
  • Disobedient, aggressive behavior Poor academic performance
  • Growing slower than actual age

Causes of Snoring in Children

  • Have tonsils and or adenoids which is an enlarged lump behind the nasal cavity it is the most common and important cause in children. If there is inflammation, the child will have chronic runny nose. Likes to sniff snot often or with phlegm crusts in the throat,recurring sore throat, may have slurred speech, muffled sounds.
  • Chronic allergic inflammation of sinuses or sinusitis
  • Obesity. Children will have thicker neck walls have narrow throat
  • Abnormal facial features such as a narrow face, a short or small chin
  • Genetic disease or brain and muscle diseases that affect breathing

Diagnostic procedures

The doctor must rely on both the physical examination history and additional tests, such as an X-ray of the head may be required to determine the width of the airway and the size of the adenoids, and, if applicable, a sleep test to measure the oxygen level in the brain. Respiratory system blood and sleep quality

Snoring treatment

  • Initial care is to adjust sleep pattern, such as getting adequate sleep and rest. Going to bed and waking up on a regular basis for obese patients, they must lose weight, diet, and exercise.
  • Treatment by medications, such as steroid nasal spray or drug to treat allergic rhinitis, phlegm dissolving drug, saline nasal wash or antibiotics to treat tonsillitis
  • Surgical treatment of tonsils and adenoids. recommendation by ENT specialists
  • Other treatments, such as the treatment of joint disease the use of CPAP machines as well as orthodontics appliance. Which may be an alternative if other treatments are ineffective which must be considered on a case by case basis

Therefore, when the child has any of the disorders mentioned above. It is recommended to see a medical professional in order to receive accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment. This will clearly improve the quality of life of the patient and help relieve parents' worries.

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