Inflamed ligaments, torn ligaments, injuries from Surf Skate
Center : Orthopedics Center
Article by : Dr. Prakasit Chanasit

Surf Skate, is a popular sport and activity that is loved by young people of all ages, both exercise, fun and cool at the same time, but if you don't play it right. It's not safe enough to play, or if you play hard for a long time it may cause injury, especially “ligament inflammation” or severely torn ligaments, from losing the principle of balance causing falling, bumping, causing pain or pain around the joints may even need to come to the hospital.
Surf Skate Injuries
Surf Skate requires constant balancing, twisting and hip swinging. Muscle fatigue in heavy use and may lead to aches and pains in different parts of the body like back pain, waist pain, buttock pain, thigh pain including the knee and ankle. If an accident occurs, it often caused by falls, impact can be dangerous and can range from sprains, bruises, ruptures, tendon inflammation, or even severe to torn ligaments, fractures, or brain concussions.
Surf Skate tendonitis
The cause of tendonitis is usually caused by repetitive injury in one area. It causes pain or pain around the joints. Surf Skate mainly requires balance, twisting and swinging of the hips. Some players have played an additional gesture, jumping, causing various injuries as follows.
- Ankle ligament inflammation From the ankle turned inward when losing balance. Pain on the outside around the ankle bone. This is because the tendons in that area are stretched, swollen, red, and inflamed. If there is tearing tissue swelling may occur and painful. The symptoms of ankle sprains usually affect the tendons directly and does not affect joints or bones.
- Knee ligament inflammation From frequent partial body movements, jumping, rapid and intense contraction of the thigh muscles. causing a surge of the tendon under the kneecap. As a result, tendons become inflamed. The patient will feel pain in the front knee joint, especially under the patella or around the patella, where symptoms appear when walking or running, but if there is a lot of tearing, pain occurs all the time even when sitting still.
- Torn knee ligament or anterior cruciate ligament The anterior cruciate ligament serves to stabilize the knee joint. Keeping your knees stable as you run, jump, or suddenly change direction of movement. If moving in the wrong position or has been hit hard. The likelihood of an anterior cruciate ligament injury also arises. When the knee ligament is deformed or injured. There will be severe pain and swelling around the knee joint, can't walk or lose weight or have a lot of pain, unable to bend the knee due to bleeding in the knee joint. When left untreated, symptoms may gradually improve, but symptoms often occur when performing activities in which the knee is twisted.
Diagnosis of tendonitis
Initially, the doctor will perform a physical examination and ask for preliminary symptoms. To diagnose the cause of ankle or knee pain, such as activities performed before symptoms the nature of the pain frequency and duration of symptoms. In addition, the doctor will perform special diagnosis such as X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination for accurate diagnosis and correct treatment.
Surf Skate tendonitis treatment
Treatment depends on the severity of the pain. If diagnosed with tendon inflammation in the knee joint or ankle and still able to make some movements. It will be treated by refraining the use the knee joint. Sore ankles are combined with taking anti-inflammatory drugs, hot compress, or cold compress. In some cases, different forms of physical therapy may be performed, for the knees to move more. But in the case of patients with severe symptoms very painful, unable to use the knee or caused by a torn ligament or anterior cruciate ligament tear, surgery may be necessary. The doctor will use implants or repair knee ligaments to return to walking normally.
Treatment of knee ligament torn by knee arthroscopy surgery
Laparoscopic surgery to treat a torn knee ligament modern surgical technology It will cause small wounds, less pain, faster recovery, easy to care for, by surgical suture to repair the tendon or create a new ligament by taking tendons from other areas to replace the damaged tendon. The surgeon opens a small incision and uses a 4 mm scope to look inside the injured knee joint. The resulting image will be displayed on a monitor in the operating room allowing the doctor to see different parts clearly in the knee. Before using another tool to help grab and stitch the torn tendon. The incision caused by laparoscopic surgery will look like 2-4 small holes 0.5-1 cm in size, depending on the severity of the tear.
However, Surf Skate should be played right, do not force the body, should choose the Surf Skate that is suitable for the players. Always wear safety equipment. New players should play under an experienced moderator, in a safe place. Don't forget to warm up and cool down. If an accident occurs, first aid should be provided. In severe cases, seek immediate medical attention.
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Article of Orthopedics Center