Rainbow Services (LGBTQ+)

Rainbow Services provides services to take care of gender diverse groups of all ages. From personalized counseling, diagnosis physical and mental health assessment. Ready to take care of every step from the beginning to helping and supporting you to reach your true identity goals. Because we understand the differences and diversity of each person.
Medical service
1. Consultation for the Gender identity disorder (Gender dysphoria); GID
2. Gender affirming hormone therapy; GAHT
Hormone Replacement Therapy
The usage of sex hormones or hormonal drugs to adjust physical appearance can be done in various way.
- Taking a pill
- Giving medicine through the skin by applying a paste or gel to allow the medicine to penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and effect directly
- Injectable form, to let a drug enter into the bloodstream directly.
Feminizing hormone therapy
- Estrogen
- Anti-androgen agent
Masculinizing hormone therapy
- Estosterone supplementation or androgen (Androgen), which the main hormone is testosterone.
3. Sexual health
- Sexual function
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Pap and anal Pap smear
- Giving advice on blood tests in disease groups that are at risk of being transmitted, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HIV screening, syphilis screening, etc.
- Giving advice and recommend vaccinations to prevent disease, including the 9 strains of HPV vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine.
Business hours
Thursday at 16.00-20.00 Sunday at 16.00-20.00
Rainbow Services at Women Health Center Fl.2
Tel. 0-2450-9999 ext. 1159,1160