Declaration of PATIENT’S RIGHTS


1. The patient is entitled to receive full medical services regardless of their status, race, nationality, religion, social standing, political affiliation sex, age, and the nature of their illness from their medical practitioner as have been legally enacted in the Thai Constitution.

2. Patients who seek medical services have the right to receive their complete current information in order to thoroughly understand about their illness from their medical practitioner. Furthermore, the patient can either voluntarily consent or refuse treatment from the medical practitioner treating him/her except in case of emergency or life threatening situation.

3. Patients at risk, in critical condition or near death, are entitled to receive urgent and immediate relief from their medical practitioner as necessary, regardless of whether the patient requests assistance or not.

4. The patient has the rights to know the name-surname and the specialty of the practitioner under whose care he/she is in.

5. It is the right of the patient to request a second opinion from another medical practitioner in other specialties, who is not involved in the immediate care of him/her as well as the right to change the place of medical service or treatment, as requested by the patient without prejudice.

6. The patient has the rights to expect that their personal information is kept confidential by the medical practitioner, the only exception being in cases with the consent of the patient or due to legal obligation.

7. The patient is entitled to demand complete current information regarding his role in the research and the risks involved, in order to make a decision to participate in/or withdraw from the medical research being carried out by their health care provider.

8. The patient has the rights to know or demand full and current information about their medical treatment as appeared in the medical record as requested. With respect to this, the information obtained must not infringe upon other individual’s rights.

9. The father/mother or legal representative may use their rights in place of a child under the age of eighteen or who is physically or mentally handicapped wherein they could not exercise their own rights.

Patient’s Responsibilities

1. Patients are responsible for asking for information and potential risks before signing an informed consent for diagnostic or treatment procedure.

2. Patients are responsible for providing truthful and complete health and other information to the responsible healthcare professionals.

3. Patients are responsible for cooperating and following healthcare professionals’ recommendations about medical care and should notify when the compliance may not be possible.

4. Patients are responsible for cooperating and complying with the following hospital’s rules and regulations

5. Patients are responsible for treating healthcare professionals, other patients, and visitors with courtesy and respect.

6. Patients are responsible for informing about health insurance benefits with proper documentation to the hospital.

7. Patients are responsible for being aware of the following facts:

7.1 Healthcare professionals who perform standard and ethical practice are protected by law and have the rights to be protected from unfair accuse.

7.2 Medical care refers to a current medical practice that is based on scientific evidence to show higher benefits than risks to the patient.

7.3 Medical care cannot diagnose, prevent, or treat all diseases or conditions.

7.4 Any medical care can result in unexpected consequences despite the fact that the healthcare professional have been extremely careful in any situation.

7.5 Any test for disease screening, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring might have inaccurate results because of technological limitations and other uncontrollable by current standards.

7.6 Healthcare professionals have the rights to choose an evidence-based medical treatment option in a given context and limitations as well as to consult or refer the patient as appropriate.

7.7 Healthcare professionals may consult or refer the patient who are not in an emergency or life-threatening condition.

7.8 Medical care provided by healthcare professionals might be compromised if necessary health information is not disclosed by the patient.

7.9 Emergency room is only for patients who are in an emergency and life-threatening condition.

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